Sunday, February 3, 2013

How to get Desitin out of kids hair!

It's amazing that a parent can smell Desitin from 50 feet away down a hallway! But the fear of what you are about to find is real and for good reason. It's greasy, it smells and it's hard to get off of everything. We've made a good effort to keep Desitin out of their reach but some how kids are attracted to it like bees on a garden and have magic powers to find that lost tube in a closet or some how they can levitate up and get it out of baskets that are high up.

We'll I walk in and the stuff is caked in both the 1 year old and 2 year old's hair. OMG. Anyway, the answer was dish soap. Of course it's a slow process being very careful not to get the water in the eyes but it worked. If you're reading this GOOD LUCK!