Thursday, December 18, 2014

Just the Tip. Why the American resturant tipping system is wrong.

I know that servers tip other servers ridiculous amounts. For the rest of us, especially us economic minded, expected tips can be a sore point. Look it's a game and it's rigged to put server against patron.

Here is what is wrong with the system. Once upon a time a business owner had to pay someone to serve the food he sold. There was a really good server named Bob who was exceptional at making patrons feel welcomed and special. So Bob started getting extra money left for him because his customers enjoyed their experience so much that they wanted to reward him for a job well done.

Well the business owner said WAIT! You're making a lot of money Bob. Too much for simply serving my food. So the GREEDY business owner told Bob, I am going to pay you as little as the law makes me since you are tipped so much. AND by the way there is a line of people who want your job so leave if you don't like it. Bob liked his job and needed a job so he stayed.

Soon word spread that Bob the excellent employee's wage was lowered. So the good people of Bob's town felt sorry for Bob. Soon everyone would leave a tip no matter how good or bad the service was. And shortly there after the servers incentive to do a good job would vanish. And so today we effective have a shell game going on.

Restauranteur puts a lower price on menu, doesn't pay a baseline living wage and expects his patrons to effectively pay the server directly.  Putting the server and patron in an awkward relationship. The restaurant owner has effectively STOLEN the TIP for a job well done by lowering the pay to a point where a tip is required to compensate the effort required to do the job fairly.

How can it be fixed? One way is if EVERYONE stopped tipping. The people who do that hard server job would soon look for better pay or a job that wasn't so difficult for the pay. And very quickly business owners would have to raise their wage to keep the place open.

Since that isn't likely to happen a servers income will continue to be linked to the philosophy of each individual customer. Some will tip no matter how good or bad, others won't tip at all and some will tip when they are impressed with service. The best customer a server can hope for today is one with a big heart or a big ego who is afraid of being called cheap.


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Reef aquarium algae

I'm pretty sure the filter sock was causing constant algae bloom. I only cleaned it a couple times a month. Read that others clean theirs 5 to 6 times a month! Since I took it out of the water column things seem better.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Diatom filter method for reef salt water aquariums

Maybe this is well known? I just figured it out. So I've had many regular diatom explosions in my tank. Typically I suck the brown stringy diatoms out when I do a water change. But never get close to completely removing it. So I've been thinking about a Vortex diatom filter. When doing this last water change I noticed how well my macro algae chaeto filters the diatoms! Usually they breakup so fine that most common filter socks, etc can't contain them. So this idea hit me to stuff a good sized wad of chaeto in  my reactor 150 chamber to see if it would catch them. I only filled a quarter of the tube packed pretty dense. Well dang it worked! The out flow hose into a clear cup and no diatoms. The issue is that the flow is much less that the Vortex which probably clears the tank much faster. Anyway thought I'd share this DYI method to remove diatoms!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Late night spots to eat in San Diego

In San Diego, 24 hour mexican food has been your only after hours late night option for the most part. Recently, there have been some new choices.

1. Doner Grill 823 5th Ave. open until 3 am Thursday, Friday & Saturday.

2. Jimmy Wong's Golden Dragon - 414 university ave. in Hillcrest. Thai food. Says Chinese food but everything taste Thai. Open until 3am

3. Studio Diner - 1407 Ruffin Rd. , Fri, Saturday 24 hours, American diner food, burgers, milk shakes, onion rings.

4 dozens of Taco Shops

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Natty Dread newspaper 1975 - UCSD

I found these in my attic. Looks like distrust if the government is nothing new! Students paranoid about the CIA at UCSD

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Immediate gout arthritis remedy treatment

I just want others to know that I discovered marijuana oil from bubba kush immediately took away the pain and swelling of gout for 4 days after a tiny capsule of oil. Every four days for  3 weeks and the gout was gone. I don't believe the oil is masking the pain because of the small dose and the length of relief. Typically masked pain wears off with the effects of the oil 4 to 5 hours after taking oil. Maybe the oil breaks down crystallization? Or counteracts acid in blood? What I know is that I go from agonizing pain to being able to walk and sleep in 45 minutes to an hour from taking half of a size 00 capsule of cannabis oil from bubba kush variety with 4 days of no inflammation. Hope this makes your life better quickly. Lastly, I wanted to say that 500mg of Oxicodine was no match for the gout pain. Rest of me was numb but my foot was red, hot to touch and in severe pain.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Really happy with my Vecton v2 400 UV sterilizer

I put a vecton 400 uv sterilizer on my 90 gallon saltwater reef tank. I also have a 30 gallon refugium / sump. My 600 gph main return pump really drops flow by the time it goes through the vecton which I put last inline just before entering the display tank. WOW! What a difference on the micro algae in the water! I didn't have too big of an issue as my water was clear before but I would get a film on the glass each day that I would have to clean. I could go two days without cleaning and in day three you could see it and snail trails. 

Now since installing the UV sterilizer 3 days ago no algae film on the glass!!!! Yay.